Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Soccer Drinks and Budgeting

Soccer season is coming to a close and with both our little kids playing this year, we are looking forward to a break in the action. Two games a week per child and one practice was a little too much for our taxi cab this year. Funny story from the soccer day our family was in charge of bringing snacks and drinks. I travel for work a lot, so naturally our home is full of hotel shampoo and soaps. Until today, we didn’t know how weird we had become…we started serving our half time water break and giving each child a cup to get some water. Well our plastic cups were individually sealed and have logos of various hotels. The kids had a heck of a time getting their cups out of the plastic and their parents got a good laugh out of how we had collected cups from staying at hotels. I have been known amongst our friends as a good budgeter, but now they joke that I have gone too far…hotel cups??

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